50 Prosperity Classics: Attract It, Create It, Manage It, Share It (by Tom Butler-Bowdon)

50 Prosperity Classics: Attract It, Create It, Manage It, Share It50 Prosperity Classics: Attract It, Create It, Manage It, Share It by Tom Butler-Bowdon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Zgodna knjiga koja se definitivno isplati pročitati (ili, još bolje, poslušati). Pregled, prema autorovom mišljenju, zanimljivih knjiga o ekonomiji, financijama, osobnom razvoju i prosperitetu. Jedan značajan dio njih sam već pročitala, neke od njih odabrala za čitanje. Ako vas tema prosperiteta i kako do njega doći zanima, ovdje ćete naći pregled svega onoga što bi vam, ‘za prvu ruku’ trebalo pomoći. Na listi je i nekoliko mojih osobnih favorita, kao što je ‘The Millionaire Next Door’. Na žalost, na njoj nema nekih koje bi sigurno trebalo pročitati, jedna od njih je sigurno ‘The Richest Man in Babylon’.

Koga zanima, evo kompletne liste:

1. James Allen The Path to Prosperity (1905)
2. Robert G Allen Multiple Streams of Income (2000)
3. David Bach The Automatic Millionaire (2003)
4. PT Barnum The Art of Money Getting (1885)
5. Genevieve Behrend Your Invisible Power (1921)
6. John C Bogle The Little Book of Common Sense Investing (2007)
7. Richard Branson Losing My Virginity (1998)
8. Warren Buffett The Essays of Warren Buffett (2001)
9. Rhonda Byrne The Secret (2006)
10. Andrew Carnegie The Gospel of Wealth (1889)
11. Felix Dennis How To Get Rich (2006)
12. Peter Drucker Innovation and Entrepreneurship (1985)
13. T Harv Eker Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (2005)
14. Charles Fillmore Prosperity (1912)
15. Joel Fleishman The Foundation (2007)
16. Milton Friedman Capitalism and Freedom (1966)
17. Thomas Friedman The World Is Flat (2005)
18. Bill Gates Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire (by Bill Wallace & Jim Erickson) (1992)
19. Michael E Gerber The E-Myth Revisited (1995, 2001)
20. Benjamin Graham The Intelligent Investor (1949)
21. Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G Allen The One Minute Millionaire (2002)
22. Paul Hawken Natural Capitalism (2000)
23. Esther & Jerry Hicks Ask and It Is Given: Leaning to Manifest Your Desires (2004)
24. Napoleon Hill The Master Key to Riches (1964)
25. Conrad Hilton Be My Guest (1964)
26. Joe Karbo The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches (1973)
27. Guy Kawasaki The Art of the Start (2004)
28. Robert Kiyosaki Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad’s Guide to Financial Freedom (1998)
29. Peter Lynch One Up On Wall Street (1989)
30. Andrew McLean & Gary Eldred Investing in Real Estate (5th edition, 2005)
31. Jerrold Mundis How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously (1990)
32. William Nickerson How I Turned $1,000 into Three Million in Real Estate In My Spare Time (1969)
33. Conor O’Clery The Billionaire That Wasn’t: How Chuck Feeney Secretly Made and Gave Away a Fortune (2007)
34. Suze Orman Women and Money (2007)
35. Paul Zane Pilzer God Wants You To Be Rich (1995)
36. Catherine Ponder Open Your Mind To Prosperity (1982)
37. John Randolph Price The Abundance Book (1987)
38. Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Revisited (2005)
39. Ayn Rand Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (1966)
40. Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer Creating Money (1988)
41. Vicki Robin & Joe Dominguez Your Money or Your Life (1999)
42. Anita Roddick Business As Unusual: My Entrepreneurial Journey with Profits and Principles (2005)
43. Howard Schultz Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Step At a Time (1998)
44. Marsha Sinetar Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow (1987)
45. Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations (1778)
46. Thomas Stanley & William Danko The Millionaire Next Door (1996)
47. Donald Trump The Art of The Deal (1987)
48. Lynne Twist The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship With Money and Life (2003)
49. Max Weber The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904)
50. Muhammad Yunus Banker To the Poor: Microlending and the Battle Against World Poverty (2003)

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